<![CDATA[The Squat Sponge - Blog]]>Sat, 11 Apr 2020 08:01:30 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Post Title.]]>Tue, 05 Jul 2011 22:35:30 GMThttp://squatsponge.com/blog/post-title-click-and-type-to-editLaunch of a new product by Squat Sponge, PuterTiss disposable sanitary mouse cover

Putertiss May Help in the prevention of Colds and Flu and Help control Excessive hand sweating. Please visit us at PuterTiss.com


<![CDATA[Reviews]]>Mon, 15 Feb 2010 03:37:34 GMThttp://squatsponge.com/blog/reviewsHere is a thread where you can post what you think about your squat sponge.]]><![CDATA[Health Recipes]]>Mon, 15 Feb 2010 03:03:49 GMThttp://squatsponge.com/blog/health-recipesBodybuilders Burrito 

1 lb of grounded sirloin beef (or chicken) will make 8 burritos.
I also use roasted chicken in the burrito.

I make them all on the weekend and put them in the refrigerator or you can freeze them for the coming week(s). 

If this is what you will be doing as well, do not use anything that cannot hold its freshness i.e. eggs, or cheese.

A. The 8 burrito shell can be what you ever like, there many different types.

B. I marinade the beef or chicken for about 4hrs b/4 cooking.

Seasoning is very easy, I use minced garlic two table spoons, 1pk of sazon(Spanish seasoning), sofrito, I like sun 

dried tomatoes, red onions or olives.

Please keep in mind that you can also use a sauce also (this will a few calories). I use a sauce with the chicken, 

and I’ll put in green and red peppers.

I table spoon of virgin olive oil, low heat for the chicken; no oil is needed with the beef just use a little wine, add in 

the beef; stir it for about 15 minutes. 

Take a slice of tin foil a little bigger than the burrito shell. 
Place the burrito shell on top of the cut foil.
Place the beef or chicken (about the size of your first) on to the shell.Roll the shell and fold in the tin foil wrap to close.

Quick Tuna Wrap

Take one small can of tuna fish packed in water or (deli or fresh turkey breast, chicken breast), hot sauce, chopped 

tomatoes, and garlic, two lattice leafs red pepper. Seasoning use a little sazon (Spanish seasoning) and pepper.

One simple step: season the tuna, put the tuna in the lattice add the toppings, i.e. chopped tomatoes and garlic and 

then roll it up into a wrap. 

Quick Tuna tune, can be served with a salad or a sandwich 

Take egg whites from 2eggs one small can of tuna fish packed in water or (deli or fresh turkey breast, 

chicken breast), 2spoonful of olive oil, hot sauce, 2spoonful of spaghetti sauce, chopped tomatoes, and garlic, two
lattice leafs red pepper; Seasoning use a little sazon (Spanish seasoning) and pepper.


1. season the tuna mix in the egg whites

2. use low heat, pour in the olive oil into the pan 

3. Put in the tuna, stir in the spaghetti sauce, stir for 8 to 10 minutes done.
<![CDATA[The Luna calendar workout plan and the 1% rule]]>Mon, 15 Feb 2010 03:03:15 GMThttp://squatsponge.com/blog/the-luna-calendar-workout-plan-and-the-1-ruleThe one percent rule is a concept I came up with to work with the Luna Calendar to help me meet my weight training goals. With a really bad night job and as a Hard Gainer, I knew that the only way to make gains was in small increments, easier said than done. Training for small gains is a lot like panning for gold, in the weight room that’s filled with big egos floating on a cloud of Testosterone, where bad form and injuries was the norm as long as you are moving around heavy weight. No one I knew thought it would, I followed this concept for about 18mos I added to my bench 80lbs and 300lbs to my deadlift and 200lbs to my back squat. why did I stop, simple, peer pressure and I got a better job, guys would look at me with loathing because I would use the 1¼ lb plates to meet my goal. It got to the point that all the 1¼lbs and most of the 2 1/2lbs plates were gone, the guys were hiding the plates. When I stopped the 1% rule workout in concert with the Luna calendar my gains stopped and I regressed. At the time I did not know why it stopped, but I never said that I was smart.

The 1% rule, basically, I would schedule into my Luna Calendar a gain in either raw poundage or in repetitions for a given exercise per cycle usually weeks in advance. 1 cycle is a 28day period, which I call the Luna calendar. In the 28day period there 4 zones, light days followed by moderate days and heaver days which is followed by light days. I was learning as I went along but still 80lbs increase was very good me.

Example for mass and weight gain on the chest: 
Start out with 2 exercises 2sets each high reps
1st zone, Light days: warm up with pushups 1set 15reps
· Flies with 20lbs 2sets 20reps
· Bench press 2sets
1st set 115lbs 15to20reps
2nd set 135lbs 10reps

2nd zone, Moderate day 2 exercises 2sets + 1extra: 
warm up with pushups 1set 15reps
· flies w/25lbs 10reps
· bench press 3sets
1st set 115lbs 15reps
2nd set 135lbs 10reps
3rd set 135lbs 5to 7reps, using delayed return. At the top lower the bar for a count of 5 hold for a 

count of 2
3rd zone, Heavy day at 1% gain, look at it this way: 135lbs *10reps=1350lbs*1%=13.5lbs
warm up with pushups 1set 15reps
3 exercises 2sets+1
· Flies w/25lbs 10reps
· Bench press 3sets
1st set 115lbs for 15reps
2nd set 140lbs for 10reps= this is a 1% gain 140*10=1400*1%=14lbs
3rd set 175lbs for 5reps

4th zone, I would use this time to run.

As you can see it is slow and yes there were days that I wanted to do more. Yet gains came easily and regularly when I followed the program. 

Dan the Squat Sponge guy
<![CDATA[Working out on the Luna calendar]]>Mon, 15 Feb 2010 03:02:26 GMThttp://squatsponge.com/blog/working-out-on-the-luna-calendarHello I’m Dan, the Squat Sponge Guy. I have been thinking for years, the problem is we all want results fast. As humans we think the more we do, the faster and better the outcome will be. When you are in the groove, it takes self-discipline not to go to gym every day, which is why it took me years to realize I was really hindering myself. All that I can say is just try it for one month it will win you over. Working out on the Luna calendar, is for the average person and the hard gainers, and for people that cross train say like Boxers or swimmers. Its one day on with two days off for rest which gives you time for life’s chores, not to mention it helps avoid injuries due to over training. The beauty of this is that it is so flexible. For example: one day I was scheduled to run, but there were heavy rains that day, because of the two days off, I can hit the weights with no problem. When you follow a 7-day workout plan, if you miss just one day it blows the whole week off. I broke it down to 28-day period, in this period there will be 10 workouts and 18 days off. There are many ways to use this calendar/ training concept. The schedule workout could be structured as follows. It could be used for overall wellness and fitness, as well as for power and strength. The long term planning offers great amount of freedom, Examples:
Running – for fat burning cardio
Yoga – stretching, meditation
Weight training – body conditioning and strengthening
<![CDATA[Zercher Squat and Dead Lift]]>Mon, 15 Feb 2010 03:01:30 GMThttp://squatsponge.com/blog/zercher-squat-and-dead-liftI have been lifting for the better part of 34 years and most recently, I was introduced to Zercher squat by Ryan Irwin of NutrisportFPT.com. After watching Ryan’s video on youtube, I started to read up on it. To my surprise there was not a whole lot written about it or its benefits (which is why I did not know about it). Most of the information had to do with giving credit of the movement to a Mr. Zercher, I do not know this gentleman, but what I do know is that these movements are great indeed for building core strength and raw power. My focus will be on the method and benefits of these movements and how it could be placed in a basic work-out. I recommend using the Squat Sponge barbell pad for these lifts, it’s not about who is the biggest and toughest, I have been there and injury was always waiting for me at the door. It is about training for a better healthy, stronger you for today and tomorrow. Zercher squat and dead-lift Technique:Both movements require the bar to be positioned in the bend (I recommend using the Squat Sponge pad) of the elbows. This shifts the body’s center of gravity much further forward than in the case of a traditional squats or dead-lifts. The hands are clasped together. Keep the core (abdomen) tight.The Zercher squat:Place a bar just above the upper abdomen holding it in the positioned in the bend (I recommend using the Squat Sponge pad) of the elbows. Keep your head up, back straight, and feet planted firmly on the floor about 16 to 20 inches apart. Squat down until your upper thighs are parallel with the floor. Your head should remain up, back straight and your knees slightly out to the sides. Return to starting position.For the Zercher deadlift:Taking a wide stance, the hips are lowered, and then the lifter raises the back and straightens the legs simultaneously. As the body’s center of gravity has been shifted forward by holding the bar in this unusual way, much more stress is placed on the hamstrings than in a traditional dead-lift that focuses on the spinal erectorsIncorporated Zercher movements into a work-out:

· Warm-up set Zercher Squat, one set 20reps 

· 3 sets Back Squats

· Set 1for 15 reps

· Set 2 for 6 to 8 reps 

· Set 3 for 10 reps

· Zercher Dead-Lifts 2 sets 10 to 15 reps

· Leg curls 2 sets 10 to 15 repsBenefits:build strength, enhance power potential develop core strength and rigidity injury prevention glute, quad, hamstring activation ankle mobility hip mobility